Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

#1. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

Northern New Mexico College, NM

0 miles
Average net price: $8K Graduation rate: 22% Median Starting salary: $24K Undergraduate enrollment: 878

#5. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

St John's College, NM

25 miles
Admission rate: 67% Median SAT math score: 645 Median SAT read score: 665 Median ACT composite score: 27 Average net price: $41K Graduation rate: 64% Median Starting salary: $22K Undergraduate enrollment: 320

#7. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

Santa Fe Community College, NM

28 miles
Average net price: $9K Graduation rate: 22% Median Starting salary: $25K Undergraduate enrollment: 2,744

#9. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

University of New Mexico-Taos Campus, NM

34 miles
Average net price: $8K Graduation rate: 26% Median Starting salary: $28K Undergraduate enrollment: 616

#10. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

Luna Community College, NM

54 miles
Average net price: $3K Graduation rate: 23% Median Starting salary: $22K Undergraduate enrollment: 588

#11. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

New Mexico Highlands University, NM

56 miles
Average net price: $10K Graduation rate: 22% Median Starting salary: $28K Undergraduate enrollment: 1,778

#12. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

University of Phoenix-New Mexico, NM

62 miles
Average net price: $14K Graduation rate: 20% Median Starting salary: $28K Undergraduate enrollment: 84

#20. Colleges near Northern New Mexico College, NM

Pima Medical Institute-Albuquerque, NM

68 miles
Average net price: $20K Graduation rate: 72% Median Starting salary: $27K Undergraduate enrollment: 565

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Distance from ZIP Code

Admission Rate (%)

Median ACT Cum

Median SAT Math

Median SAT Read

In-State Tuition ($)

Out-of-State Tuition ($)

Average Total Cost ($)

Average Net Cost ($)

Receive Federal Loans (%)

Median Federal Debt ($)

Repayment Rate (%)

Median Payment ($)

Retention Rate (%)

Transfer Rate (%)

Withdrawal Rate (%)

Graduation Rate (%)

Employment Rate (%)

Median Salary ($)

Salary (25 Percentile) ($)

Salary (75 Percentile) ($)